This West Wing Should Learn from The West Wing – The Berkshire Edge

This West Wing Should Learn from The West Wing - The Berkshire Edge

Withdrawal as an Act of Faith: An Open Letter to President Biden

The Parable of the Man by the River

President Biden, during your recent interview with George Stephanopoulos, you mentioned that you would withdraw from the race “if the Lord Almighty comes down and tells [you]” to do so. The parable of the man by the river is a reminder that God often sends us signs and support, but it is our responsibility to act upon them. In the case of the upcoming election, the signs are clear: your chances of winning are slim, and there are viable alternatives within the Democratic Party. Like the man who refused help from a rowboat and a helicopter, it is time to recognize the messages and act accordingly.

The Need to Put Democracy First

At this critical moment in American history, it is crucial to put country and democracy first. Despite your many accomplishments and contributions to the political landscape, the fact is that you are no longer the best candidate for the Democratic Party. Instead of clinging to your personal ambitions, it is time to recognize the greater need for someone who can defeat Donald Trump in November. By withdrawing, you can show your commitment to putting the country first and ensuring that we have a fighting chance to turn the tide of the current administration’s damage.

The Importance of Supporting the Democratic Party’s Next-Generation

By withdrawing, you can also provide an opportunity for the next generation of Democratic leaders to take center stage. As indicated by the impressive slate of candidates in the recent primaries, there is no shortage of talented and committed individuals who can lead this country forward in a time of unprecedented challenge. By stepping back and letting them shine, you can once again demonstrate your faith in the future of the Democratic Party and the American people.

The Urgency of the Moment

Time is of the essence, and the longer we delay taking action, the greater the risks to our democracy and our country. With the stakes so high, we cannot afford to be complacent or allow personal agendas to impede progress. The current administration threatens to undermine American values and institutions, and we must do everything we can to prevent this from happening. By withdrawing from the race, you can help to ensure that we have the best possible chance of victory in November and that we can begin the process of rebuilding America from the damage of the past several years.


In the end, the decision to withdraw from the race is an act of faith – faith in the American people, faith in the Democratic Party, and faith in the democracy we all hold so dear. It is time to recognize the parables and the signs around us and to move forward with conviction and purpose. As we approach this critical moment in our nation’s history, we must stand together and show our commitment to the values and principles that make us strong. By acting now to give others a chance to lead, we can help to ensure that our country will thrive and prosper for generations to come.


  • Withdrawal
  • Democratic Party
  • Next-Generation Leaders
  • Political Landscape
  • American Values
  • American People
  • Democracy
  • Complacency

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