
Delaware must move forward it’s time to end the death penalty Pass HB 70 HB 301

Delaware must move forward it's time to end the death penalty Pass HB 70 HB 301

The Need to Abolish the Death Penalty in Delaware


As the editor of an online legal journal, it is my professional opinion that the passage of HB 70 and HB 301, two pieces of legislation currently under consideration in Delaware, is an urgent necessity. HB 70 seeks to repeal the death penalty in Delaware while HB 301 is an amendment to the Delaware Constitution prohibiting execution as a form of punishment.

The Inefficiency of the Death Penalty

The death penalty is an inefficient use of resources. Numerous studies done on the subject have consistently shown that the costs of litigating the death penalty far exceed those of life sentences. The entire process from the arrest to the execution, including the appeals, can cost taxpayers millions of dollars. This is a major burden on the criminal justice system, which is already stretched thin.

Biases and Discrimination in the Application of the Death Penalty

We also know that the death penalty is not applied equitably and is marked by biases and discrimination, often used against minorities and marginalized communities. The data show that there is a disparity in its application, with a much larger number of cases involving white victims than Black ones, despite the fact that half of murder victims in the U. S. are Black. This can only be attributed to the systemic racism and prejudice ingrained in the criminal justice system.

Does the Death Penalty Really Deter Crime?

The death penalty does not deter crime. In fact, crime rates decline when places abolish the death penalty. There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that the death penalty has any effect on deterring criminal activity.

The Impact of the Death Penalty on Victims’ Families

The death penalty doesn’t achieve justice for victims’ families. Instead, it perpetuates the same cycle of violence it purports to end. Many victims’ families have spoken out on this issue and support abolition. The death penalty also adds to the trauma experienced by families of those who have become victims of crime, by keeping them involved in lengthy and emotionally draining appeals while also delaying the grieving process.

Exoneration of the Innocent through Life Sentences

Life sentences in lieu of capital punishment also allow for innocent people to be exonerated when wrongfully convicted. The ability to exonerate people who have been wrongly convicted of crimes is crucial to the integrity of the criminal justice system. Life sentences provide the opportunity to correct wrongful convictions and maintain a higher level of justice.

The Moral and Legislative Imperative of Abolishing the Death Penalty

The passing of HB 70 and HB 301 is both a legislative issue and a moral one. The majority of Delawareans support abolishing the death penalty. It is time for Delaware to join the 22 other states that have already abolished the death penalty.


The benefits of abolishing the death penalty in Delaware are numerous. It will save taxpayers millions of dollars, address the biases and discrimination ingrained in the criminal justice system, uphold the moral principles of justice and equality, and finally, provide closure for the families of victims. I urge every legislator to support HB 70 and HB 301 to put an end to the death penalty in Delaware.

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